Google Drive Backup

Started by rcrules, March 04, 2019, 09:29:17 PM

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So actually to clarify there are two entries that can be put in the email and it will work. One is the Service Account Email and the other is the Unique ID. Both of those will work. However the email address of the account that owns the drive will not. I wonder if cookiemonster was trying that address instead of the service account address?

Any chance the wording for this field and especially the help tag can get updated to reflect this? Maybe have the field say "Identity" and then have the help say something like: "Enter either the Unique ID or the Service Account Email address. Do not use the G-mail address that owns the drive."

It wasn't until I found this thread and looked back over the instructions that I found my mistake.

I am positive I was attempting to use the email of the service account, not the account owner.
It might have been a temporary problem at the time, so this might be a non-issue.

FWIW, I attempted this using a Google *Shared* drive (*not* a drive under My Drives that is shared) and repeatedly received FileNotFound errors.  It DID work when I created a "normal" folder under My Drive & shared it.  Maybe something stupid I did, but I'm leaving it there for now since it's working.

(the folder in the Shared drives isn't shown here, but that is where it was).

Thanks OP for this guide super useful and helped loads! Kudo's good SIR 8)