Adguard not filtering within DHCP range

Started by stuffu, May 27, 2024, 08:55:26 AM

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May 27, 2024, 08:55:26 AM Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 09:31:06 AM by stuffu
Not sure if this applies to opnsense, adguard or mimugmai, trying to narrow it down.

The devices that are within the DHCP range are not working with adguard settings. For instance, if I have a service blocked, or ad filtering for a device, these are not applied if the device is within the DHCP range.

No matter if I set a static DHCP within the range, or filter client based on MAC address, nothing happens.

If I set a static DHCP outside of the DHCP range, all works as intended.

DHCP range is .100-.199

If I for instance set a static address to .55 all is good.

Any ideas? Running 24.1.7_4 and it has been like this for a while, maybe it changed a while back. If I remember correctly, there was an update to mimugmail's adguard (current version), adguard itself and opnsense a few months back that broke something but I can't figure which and what.

Can someone help me narrow it down?


How do your DHCP settings look like?
Maybe another DNS Server like entered as second DNS?

Then clients will try DNS resolution with second DNS Server as well.

May 27, 2024, 10:42:56 AM #2 Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 11:24:31 AM by stuffu

Thanks for replying, using unbound and adguard points to opnsense, I only have and as fallback.

I just realized when checking just now, my primary dns (cloudflare) setting is somehow gone and I'm using the default ISP dns. Was there a change that reset DNS with an update maybe?

I'll try to ask in the large adguard setup thread instead.