Zenarmor policies not enabled after upgrade to 24.1

Started by bmt, February 23, 2024, 08:09:52 AM

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Just a note to everyone, I updated 4 different Opnsense firewalls and experienced the same thing. Before the upgrade, the policy was "moderate control", and all was blocking as it should. After the upgrade, "moderate control" is highlighted as this is what it was configured to. However, the actual option sliders are all set to "allowed". I had to reselect moderate control, which enabled the sliders, and then apply.

Just an FYI, as in my case this was for schools, and they could access naughty sites they could not access before.

I quickly checked my,

If you are referring to ZenArmor > Policy > Policies TAB, I had all enabled expect "Malformed DNS packet"
For App & Web policies, I am using custom as I have Home license, and there it looks like all was enabled when checking against a backup config.

Running 24.1.1 OS currently.

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