/usr/local/etc/rc.bootup: The command '/sbin/dhclient -c '/var/etc/dhclient_wan.conf' -p '/var/run/dhclient.vlan083.pid' 'vlan083'' returned exit code '1', the output was 'vlan083: no link .............. giving up' /usr/local/etc/rc.reload_all: The command `/sbin/ifconfig 'igc1' mtu '9000'' failed to execute /usr/local/etc/rc.reload_all: The command `/sbin/ifconfig 'igc2' mtu '9000'' failed to execute /usr/local/etc/rc.reload_all: The command '/bin/kill -'TERM' '93260''(pid:/var/run/dhclient.vlan083.pid) returned exit code '1', the output was 'kill: 93260: No such process' unknown dhcp option value 0x5a /usr/local/etc/rc.newwanip: The command '/bin/kill -'TERM' '5274''(pid:/var/run/unbound.pid) returned exit code '1', the output was 'kill: 5274: No such process'