fetch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stephenw10/WGXepc/master/WGXepc.c
cc WGXepc.c -o WGXepc
chmod 700 WGXepc
./WGXepcFound Firebox M370/470/570/670.WGXepc Version 1.6_1 22/11/2020 stephenw10WGXepc can accept two arguments: -f (CPU fan) will return the current and minimum fan speed or if followed by a number in hex, 00-FF, will set it. -f2 (System fan) will return the current and minimum fan speed or if followed by a number in hex, 00-FF, will set it. -l (led) will set the arm/disarm led state to the second argument: red, green, red_flash, green_flash, red_flash_fast, green_flash_fast, off -b (backlight) will set the lcd backlight to the second argument: on or off. Do not use with LCD driver. -t (temperature) shows the current CPU temperature reported by the SuperIO chip. X-e box only.Not all functions are supported by all models
./WGXepc -f 10
Could some one help to get the control scripts and boot time running working, because I am not yet that familiar with the inner workings of OPNsense.