Can't write image to USB key

Started by nemric, January 28, 2022, 02:49:00 PM

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January 28, 2022, 02:49:00 PM Last Edit: January 28, 2022, 02:54:21 PM by nemric
I ran update yesterday but I had a problem, well, went back to 21.7.
I've downloaded OPNsense-21.7.1-OpenSSL-vga-amd64.img.bz2 and write it to my usb key with Rufus, everything was right
Now I'd like to do the same for testing purpose with 22.1 but writing USB key fail with all images
Try it again with 21.7 and it worked so is there a problem with the new image ?

It's not the first time it fails like that with opnsense images, I can't remember the last time it happened but it happened

Did someone make it work ?

Have you verified checksums each time? If not, I start from there.

You uncompressed it? bz2 is not the raw image. Use 7zip.

Quote from: cookiemonster on January 28, 2022, 05:43:55 PM
Have you verified checksums each time? If not, I start from there.

Yes I did it and I get files from different mirrors.

Quote from: XeroX on January 28, 2022, 06:26:21 PM
You uncompressed it? bz2 is not the raw image. Use 7zip.

No, I didn't uncompress the files, Rufus allow creating boot key directly from img.bz2 and it works great with v21.7.img.bz2 in the same way

Are you up and running now? I'd decompress it and use another tool or even that one after decompressing first.

Quote from: nemric on January 28, 2022, 02:49:00 PM
but writing USB key fail with all images
Try it again with 21.7 and it worked so is there a problem with the new image ?

It's not the first time it fails like that with opnsense images, I can't remember the last time it happened but it happened

Did someone make it work ?

What exactely do you mean by writing fails? Is the created USB media not bootable?

In that case, you might try an older version of Rufus. For me, Version 3.x managed to create non-bootalbe USB media at least from the OPNSense 21.1 image. Since then I reverted to Rufus 2.7 which does the job. Note that Version 2.7 still had a dropdown box that let you select the bootable disk type (DD Image should be the right one). Newer versions are claimed to be "smart enough" to automatically detect the bootable disk type. Obviously, they are not...


What exactely do you mean by writing fails? Is the created USB media not bootable?

That means that Rufus fails to write the image on the key near 4% of the writing process.

Do you mean that you have successfully written the image ?

I finally make it work, in CLI with "dd if=OPNsense-22.1-OpenSSL-vga-amd64.img of=/dev/da0 bs=16k status=progress" command directly from opnsense
Didn't try to boot yet but dd didn't return any errors

I did try with etcher, it fails,with compressed and uncompressed img ....

I made my flash drive with the OPNsense installer using Rufus by feeding it an uncompressed image.

Quote from: karlson2k on January 30, 2022, 04:47:50 PM
I made my flash drive with the OPNsense installer using Rufus by feeding it an uncompressed image.

Did you do it on windows ?
I've tried multiple images, and the only one that work was v21.7 :-/

well, It's done now with opnsense command line ...

Quote from: nemric on January 30, 2022, 08:39:42 PM
Did you do it on windows ?

Yes, on my Windows machine.
I took Rufus 3.17.1846.
Feed it with OPNsense-22.1-OpenSSL-vga-amd64.img (uncompressed) and then boot router PC using USB flash drive.
I suspect that uncompressing was not required, but I didn't try with compressed image.