
Started by Tobie, May 31, 2021, 12:32:18 PM

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Wondering if anyone has come across this , when creating an OPNSENSE instance on Azure i get the following error
Seems like this is not available in the ZA Region

Plan: 'opnsense-be-2019' in your Subscription/Azure account's region: 'ZA'. Correlation Id: 'b2bd17d3-037a-4040-acc4-619d580d7148'.[{\"The Publisher: 'decisosalesbv' does not make available Offer: 'opnsense', Plan: 'opnsense-be-2019' in your Subscription/Azure account's region: 'ZA'. Correlation Id: 'b2bd17d3-037a-4040-acc4-619d580d7148'.\":\"StoreApi\"}]"