solved: WAN Gui Access

Started by holger, February 11, 2021, 10:32:27 AM

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February 11, 2021, 10:32:27 AM Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 02:59:54 PM by holger
hi, is there anything changed in 21.1 behaviour regarding opening WebGUI access from WAN interface?

we have freshly installed opnsense and

- configured a new webgui port,
- proved listining on "all" interfaces is checked
- added a firewall rule to allow to "this firewall",

the firewall log shows, that everything is "green", so firewall shouldn´t be the problem..

but we cannot connect to the gui via wan port.

We found an info, that we need to set: "reply-to"  to inactive. 

this was the key, but i wonder  why this setting was not needed on our other installations.

Quotebut i wonder  why this setting was not needed on our other installations
probably you tested other installation not from IPs in same subnet as OPN WAN IP?