[SOLVED] RRD graphs: 103 processes?

Started by weust, October 20, 2015, 09:57:27 PM

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October 20, 2015, 09:57:27 PM Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 07:58:55 AM by franco
I am probably understanding this wrong, but why does the processor graph show this for processes?
Is the CPU at 100% or not?

Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.

Hi Tom, it shows the process count in the system, it's about 160 for me, depending on which services/setup you run on the box. It has nothing to do with system load or cpu consumption. :)

Alright, that was kinda what I was thinking.
Reason I thought it was CPU time is that the CPU's are always at 2.4GHz.
They can throttle down to 300MHz on VMWare. Must be a Hyper-V/FreeBSD thing then.
Hobbyist at home, sysadmin at work. Sometimes the first is mixed with the second.