howto findout which Version of Package belongs to the OPNsense Version

Started by liver007, August 07, 2019, 03:14:06 PM

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which file from the OPNsource code tells which package/s belongs together to the OPNsense Version X.Y.Z
i mean as Example:

OPNsense nano amd64 18.7.1 comes with "radvd-1.15"
OPNsense nano amd64 18.7.10 comes "radvd1-1.15"
   or another Example:
OPNsense nano amd64 18.7.1 comes with "GeoIP-1.6.12"
OPNsense nano amd64 18.7.10 comes "GeoIP-1.6.12_1"

How do i know this before the Comile step of the OPNsense Sourcecode is done?

The info is in the ports tree, just not in a digestible format for your unknown use case. We try to provide core package visibility with the release notes, but not for plugins (maintainers could document them but nobody asked for it yet and I'm not sure they will have time) or auxiliary packages.
