Insight problems

Started by w9hdg, April 17, 2019, 03:20:58 PM

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Good Morning Everyone,

I am a recent convert from that other "sense" firewall to OpnSense. Loving OpnSense so far!

I am having one problem that is not making sense to me. Specifically with Insight. Earlier in the day yesterday Insight was reading all my traffic, making fantastic graphs that I found very "insight"-ful (see what I did there?) with regards to how traffic was moving from the web through my network (Multiple VLANS, etc). All was good in the land. However about 6:40 or so last night that all stopped working. I had been adding rules to my firewall about that time to allow access to various servers in the network at the time it stopped working fo I'm wondering if I messed something up there.

Steps I have taken to remedy the issue:

  • Remove Firewall rules
  • Reset Router configuration to prior know working configurations
[ii]Reset data, repaired database, etc. (All of these steps has "Minimal success" in that I am now able to get "a little traffic" to show up on the graphs but only for one VLAN and graph's are not accurate.[/ii]

I am sure there are other steps that I took as well but they all revolved around trying to figure out what I broke and undo it so it involved adding and removing firewall rules, NAT rules, etc.

I am sure you'll need to see logs and I will provide them once I know what logs you need and how to access them as I am still learning this product.

Thanks in advance.


Ok so a little update.

It does seem that insight is working ("Kinda") but with quite a delay in terms of reporting the traffic on VLAN's other than my "Main" VLAN which is not making a whole lot of sense to me.