Traffic shaping with virtio

Started by guest19228, November 05, 2018, 12:48:21 AM

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I have a new question, I could not find a satisfying answer for.
Is traffic shaping supported with virtio drivers?
The goal is:

  • most traffic should be shared evenly
  • sip traffic should get a reserved bandwith of 64kbit per channel but only when there is an active sip call, when there is no active sip call the bandwith should  be available for all other traffic
  • traffic coming from/to a specific port should get a higher priority
  • traffic from/to a specific IP address should get a higher priority

FreeBSD shaper doesn't really support priority queueing .. you could do something similar with WFQ.
Create 2 PIPEs with WFQ and all your bandwitdh for up and down. Go to queues and create for up and down one queue for VoIP and give it weight of 40, then 2 queues (up/down) for specific source and weight 20, again for port weight 20, then 2 queues for the rest, weight 10 .. and here you have to set mask to source or destination (read the help text). Then go to rules and create the specific rules with correct order for all queues in the correct direction (only choose one interface, not both).

VirtIO has problem, you might want switch to E1000 ..