To fix dnsmasq after the upgrade for 18.1 to 18.7:Services --> Dnsmasq DNS --> Settings. Change 'Interfaces' from 'ALL' to 'LAN'With 'ALL' you will see a message in the log about not able to listen on, and DNS won't work. Local hosts won't resolve either because of the lack of DNS. Yes, it took me a long while to find. I suspect this could be a bug?Unbound also worked for me. I think it uses root DNS servers though, and I prefer to use my ISP DNS servers, because they point to local caches for Netflix etc.
Do you have any specific LAN firewall rule applied? IE the Default LAN rule should look something like this...Proto Source Port Destination Port Gateway Schedule Description IPv4 * LAN net * * * * Default allow LAN to any rule
When you are pinging have you monitored the firewall logs to see if you see anything being blocked? Firewall/Log Files/Live View? Are you trying to ping by name or IP address?
__timestamp__ Aug 3 14:13:34action blockanchorname dir indst id 19016interface igb1ipflags nonelabel Default deny rulelength 60offset 0proto 1protoname icmpreason matchridentifier 0rulenr 9src tos 0x0ttl 128version 4
Actually looking at your rule you have TCP/UDP under protocol instead of ANY.. that doesn't allow ICMP, try to set it to ANY instead and see if that helps...
Not sure how it would of changed in the upgrade, but something might of not transferred over properly. Yay for hiccups glad it worked.