What Laptop / WIfi Module cards are supported in BSD / 25.1 of OPNSENSE?

Started by cmp828, February 26, 2025, 01:00:39 AM

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I am very new to this forum, I did try to see if things were broken down by topic like network / wifi or  other classifications and did not see  such and see breakdown by Version. I did look to see if I could find a search fuction to search the entire 25.1 section for posts with wifi in it and either I was not looking in the right area or overlooked such a function. I am wanting to get a backup WAN connection set up, in OPNSENSE and I read it can be done.  I would use it only if my primary internet failed. I work from home and the other week a Snow plow truck hit the power pole and cut my fiber cable to my house and was without connection for 2 days, Not good when during the week and you can't do your job and work. So I want to be able to use the hot spot mode on my cell as a emergency backup. (I had read how BSD would allow a USB Tether / Internet connection but seen in OPNSENSE is does not have the drivers or needed peices and did not want to cludge files from a regular BSD install disk into OPNSENSE. I have tried 3 different WIFI modules, and it is not finding them. I did research forums and fund a couple of Intell wifi modules that are suppose to work / be supported by BSD.  I install them and run  ifconfig -l and don't see a WLAN adapter.  So does anyone know of any adapters that they could provide me with the make / model  / part number so I can source them from Amazon or other PC vendors. I am looking for ones that right out of the box when installed in the PC it just automatically sees the new adapter and already has drivers for it ready to go. The money I lost from loosing 2 days of work without Internet, I am willing to buy a few different WIFI modules and see what works.


Goes by the hardware compatibility list. The list gets updated by freeBSD release. OPN has that as a base.
So you look https://docs.opnsense.org/releases.html for the release of OPN and what freeBSD is based on.
So for OPN 25.1 is  FreeBSD 14.2  but wanted to tell you how to get to the answer.

Hello and thank you for the link. I will check it out. I am running it on a Micro Firewall appliance, so the harder challenge is to find a Wifi NIC that will fit in it. And there is little room so it's like the 1/2 size laptop module. So find the acceptible chip set and then the right size module.  Thank you.