Widgets all fail to load and intermittent choppy firewall connection

Started by superduke1010, February 25, 2025, 12:11:34 AM

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Repost from Reddit....

As above, OPNSense 25 has been rock solid for me (as have all versions really).  Don't think this has to do with the software but wanted to ask.
Today network was choppy and logged into the firewall to see widgets failing to load one by one until all fail and the links in the Webgui were very slow to respond. 
Tried rebooting, same result.  Tried reverting to older snapshot, same result. 
Hardware is Topton N100.
Removed box from network and plugged in my old cold spare (on 13.7 if you can believe it) and everything is fine.  Plugged locally into the Topton and all seems well and solid when logging into to GUI, widgets load and do not fail.  Power off, put it back into the system and same behaviour.  Logs looked clear (from what I could tell) and did a top when plugged in locally to see if any stray processes were screwing sheet up.  I do get a crowdsec error on boot up mind you, so my next trick was to try and killall just in case.
Thinking it's hardware related, but odd that locally it seems stable but when plugged into the network it goes to hell.  Thought a port issue so might try redefining interfaces to another pair.
Any thoughts would help immensely.  Thanks.

This sounds like one of the symptoms of the issue I experienced on upgrading to 25, where the box was chewing through all of its memory within 30 seconds or so of booting. More info here.

Quote from: bartjsmit on February 25, 2025, 07:32:16 AMRun a memory test https://www.memtest86.com/

Thanks...good idea.  Ran the test, went through the first round and no issues of note.  Might be a SSD issue as well as I've looked at the forum and it seems as if some SSDs in ZFS fail due to overuse.  Certainly did seem like a memory issue so I was hopeful.  Ended up buying a new SSD and stick of ram anyhow.

Hardware issue.  Memtest on RAM came back fine but changed it out, but didn't have SMART plugin installed to check SSDs but changed them out too.  Bare metal install and config restore and system came back to life without issue.

Having kernel updating issues now, post on another thread.

CPU microcode updates applied? Install the os-cpu-microcode-intel plugin and reboot.
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)

Thanks Patrick....microcode was installed.  Looking for and more like a total H/W failure of some kind.  I need to buy a total new mini PC to confirm....but I have new RAM and new SSD on the old box and all kinds of glitchy issues....brutal!

Lucky I have an old warhorse box as my cold backup but now I need to really think about double redundancy...lol

Flakey power supply?
Deciso DEC750
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. (Isaac Asimov)