Upgrade fails from 24.7.12_4 to 25.1

Started by My_Network, February 01, 2025, 02:39:48 AM

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Here is the install log:

Would this failing have anything to do with ZenArmor being not ready for the new version?

Currently running OPNsense 24.7.12_4 (amd64) at Fri Jan 31 20:30:31 EST 2025
Fetching packages-25.1-amd64.tar: .......................................... done
Fetching base-25.1-amd64.txz: .......... done
Fetching kernel-25.1-amd64.txz: ..... done
Extracting packages-25.1-amd64.tar... done
Extracting base-25.1-amd64.txz... done
Extracting kernel-25.1-amd64.txz... done
Please reboot.
>>> Invoking upgrade script 'sanity.sh'
Passed all upgrade tests.
>>> Invoking upgrade script 'cleanup.sh'
find: /usr/local/share/java/zi/Etc/GMT+7: No such file or directory
find: /usr/local/datastore/elasticsearch/indices/c3w5yClHSiq-ALG5e4Tqog/0/index/segments_kr: No such file or directory
>>> Error in upgrade script '90-cleanup.sh'

Thank you,


February 02, 2025, 04:59:26 AM #1 Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 05:07:25 AM by My_Network
Update 1/02/2025:

Did some investigating and found that if a try to manualy reinstall Elastisearch8 in ZenArmor witch needs the missing java-zoneinfo and openjdk17-17.0.10+7.1_1.pkg to function (5th and 10th plugings needed out of the 16th) it makes my firewall crash and reboot itself.There seems to be an issue with Jave.

ElasticSearch8 installation log:
The process will require 994 MiB more space.
385 MiB to be downloaded.
[1/16] Fetching javavmwrapper-2.7.10.pkg: ... done
[2/16] Fetching libxcb-1.16.1.pkg: .......... done
[3/16] Fetching jna-5.7.0_1.pkg: .......... done
[4/16] Fetching libXt-1.3.0,1.pkg: .......... done
[5/16] Fetching openjdk17-17.0.10+7.1_1.pkg: .......... done
[6/16] Fetching libX11-1.8.7_1,1.pkg: .......... done
[7/16] Fetching xorgproto-2023.2.pkg: .......... done
[8/16] Fetching bash-5.2.26_1.pkg: .......... done
[9/16] Fetching libinotify-20211018_1.pkg: .... done
[10/16] Fetching java-zoneinfo-2021.e.pkg: .......... done
[11/16] Fetching openjdk8-8.402.06.1_1.pkg: .......... done
[12/16] Fetching libXau-1.0.9_1.pkg: .. done
[13/16] Fetching libICE-1.1.0_2,1.pkg: .......... done
[14/16] Fetching elasticsearch8-8.11.3.pkg: .......... done
[15/16] Fetching libSM-1.2.3_1,1.pkg: .... done
[16/16] Fetching libXdmcp-1.1.5.pkg: .. done
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/16] Installing xorgproto-2023.2...
[1/16] Extracting xorgproto-2023.2: .......... done
[2/16] Installing libXau-1.0.9_1...
[2/16] Extracting libXau-1.0.9_1: .......... done
[3/16] Installing libXdmcp-1.1.5...
[3/16] Extracting libXdmcp-1.1.5: ......... done
[4/16] Installing libxcb-1.16.1...
[4/16] Extracting libxcb-1.16.1: .......... done
[5/16] Crashes Here

Same results in shell for java-zoneinfo:

root@opnsense:~ # pkg install -f java-zoneinfo
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
OPNsense repository is up to date.
Updating SunnyValley repository catalogue...
SunnyValley repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
        java-zoneinfo-2021.e [SunnyValley]

Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1

79 KiB to be downloaded.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Fetching java-zoneinfo-2021.e.pkg: 100%  79 KiB  80.4kB/s    00:01
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/1] Reinstalling java-zoneinfo-2021.e...
[1/1] Extracting java-zoneinfo-2021.e: 100%
Crashes here

February 02, 2025, 08:06:16 PM #2 Last Edit: February 02, 2025, 09:13:10 PM by mrpsycho
i also have issue with upgrading... interesting, how to make old version permanent to boot for time being.

i've tried to
root@OPNsense1:~ # mv /boot/kernel /boot/kernel.bak
root@OPNsense1:~ # cp -r /boot/kernel.old /boot/kernel
root@OPNsense1:~ # shutdown -r now

but it didn't worked.... and more: i can't find kernel panic in logs.
where is the boot log stored?
from screen i manager to get that:

Hi mrpsycho,

Are you also using ZenArmor?

If you try this command in shell, does it make your firewall crash?

pkg install -f java-zoneinfo

Prety sure there an issue with Java..

Thank you,


Pretty sure the user didn't read the official documentation from Zenarmor about upgrading to 25.1, because it doesn't exist, because it is not ready.

So by all means keep in force installing things randomly, just make sure you have a copy of your config since there's no clean way out of your mess other than reinstalling fresh and then adding Zenarmor "when it is ready and announced on the official channels !"

Hi "non"sense,

Dont need to be a total ass about it. I see you also need paying attention lessons on kepping up to date. ZenArmor did in fact told the community that 25.1 was supported.




@my_network, no, i don't use it.
and i don't think that package from repo can cause kernel panic....
problem somewhere else.

I have installed updates, but there are a lot of errors in the log. Can someone remind me of the command to reinstall all packages?

Quote from: My_Network on February 02, 2025, 09:47:52 PMHi "non"sense,

Dont need to be a total ass about it. I see you also need paying attention lessons on kepping up to date. ZenArmor did in fact told the community that 25.1 was supported.




Odd that Zenarmor posted that on X but nothing in the Zenarmor forum here (except for saying please be patient)

Kinda confusing don't you think?