OPNsense 15.1.4 released

Started by franco, January 31, 2015, 07:31:32 PM

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Hello everyone,

so this has been January: an interview on BSDnow, amd64 and i386 images, +150 followers on Twitter, +3000 downloads and five releases. Yes, five. We proudly announce our next stable cut: It has been quite calm on the ports side of things, but there have been many commits in the core adding up to an incentive to upgrade as soon as possible. And, yes, there are patches addressing CVEs in FreeBSD. Here is the change log:

The images can be found here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/opnsense/files/15.1.4/

The advised upgrade method is to boot from install media, recover your device configuration using the import configuration option, then do a quick/easy install (or a custom one if you did that previously).

Please note that the current firmware upgrade does *not* update the kernel and base system to fix the FreeBSD security advisories. We are actively working on a solution which also includes discussing using pkgng as the system for such tasks in the future.

Stay safe,
The OPNsense team