OpenVPN Connection Problem [OPNSense 24.1.9]

Started by badstorm, July 10, 2024, 11:43:12 AM

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Hi, i have a fresh install of OPNSense updated to 24.1.9. I try to create a OpenVPN server using the new "Instances" section following this guide:

When from my client i try to connect i get this message and it not work.

TCP/UDP: Incoming packet rejected from [AF_INET][2], expected peer address: [AF_INET] (allow this incoming source address/port by removing --remote or adding --float)

What i mssing?

Are you testing from a public IP address? may be blocked. Check out the 'Block private networks' flag on the interface.

Already unflaged.

OPNSense has 2 networks:
WAN: (my home network)
LAN: (internal network).

The client is a pc connect via Wifi on network

This looks like a firewall issue, more than a VPN server issue.
Could you have a look in the firewall logs ?

July 10, 2024, 05:43:37 PM #4 Last Edit: July 10, 2024, 05:53:35 PM by RES217AIII
Quote from: badstorm on July 10, 2024, 12:01:55 PM

OPNSense has 2 networks:
WAN: (my home network)
LAN: (internal network).

The client is a pc connect via Wifi on network

Provided the settings are correct and the corresponding rules are defined, you cannot test the VPN connection if you are in the same network.
Test the client export file on the smartphone in the mobile network.
Supermicro M11SDV-4C-LN4F AMD EPYC 3151 4x 2.7GHz RAM 8GB DDR4-2666 SSD 250GB

Quote from: Jean-Christophe on July 10, 2024, 12:28:12 PM
This looks like a firewall issue, more than a VPN server issue.
Could you have a look in the firewall logs ?

You are right. My fault. I forgot the old gateway on. Shutting down that one all works. Thanks a lot.