Simple Filter Log Export via Telegraf

Started by rman50, April 24, 2024, 02:23:26 AM

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I do very minimal filter logging with my OPNsense implementation for home use but I always wanted slightly better filter log views. I have been using Telegraf, Influxdb, Packetbeat & Grafana for general system and DNS monitoring. I finally decided to spend a little time to work on adding in the filter log and it turned out be relatively straight forward for the limited fields I needed (source, destination, destination port, rule number and label) for IPV4, tcp/udp, and blocks only. Here is the snippet that I added for Telegraf to /usr/local/etc/telegraf.d/custom.conf:

  files = ["/var/log/filter/latest.log"]
  from_beginning = false
  pipe = false
  watch_method = "poll"
  name_override = "filterlog"
  data_format = "grok"
  grok_patterns=["<%{NONNEGINT}>%{NONNEGINT} %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp:ts} %{HOSTNAME} %{WORD} %{NONNEGINT} \\- \\[%{GREEDYDATA}\\] %{INT:rulenum},%{DATA},%{DATA},%{DATA:label:tag},%{DATA:interface:tag},%{DATA},%{DATA},%{DATA},%{INT},%{BASE16NUM},%{DATA},%{INT},%{INT},%{INT},%{DATA},%{INT},%{DATA:proto:tag},%{INT},%{IPV4:src:tag},%{IPV4:dst:tag},%{INT},%{INT:dst_port:tag}"]

Attached is the view I configured in Grafana. I just did the rule label translation in Grafana since I only have a few rules which are logging.

The bulk of the effort was fine tuning the grok pattern. I had found several examples but most were from syslog export tools and didn't include everything needed to read directly from the filter files. So far it has been working fine for me.