Unable to update

Started by theonewithin, June 02, 2024, 09:38:36 AM

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Hello all. Seems to be nothing on the internet about update issues so I will have to ask.

Cannot update my OPNsense router any longer.

Find update output below.


Currently running OPNsense 24.1.6 at Sun Jun  2 17:06:23 ACST 2024
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
OPNsense repository is up to date.
Updating mimugmail repository catalogue...
Waiting for another process to update repository mimugmail
All repositories are up to date.
Updating OPNsense repository catalogue...
OPNsense repository is up to date.
Updating mimugmail repository catalogue...
Waiting for another process to update repository mimugmail
All repositories are up to date.
Checking for upgrades (42 candidates): .......... done
Processing candidates (42 candidates): .......... done
The following 92 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
py311-Babel: 2.14.0 [OPNsense]
py311-Jinja2: 3.1.3 [OPNsense]
py311-aioquic: 0.9.25 [OPNsense]
py311-anyio: 4.3.0 [OPNsense]
py311-async_generator: 1.10 [OPNsense]
py311-attrs: 23.2.0 [OPNsense]
py311-bottleneck: 1.3.8_1 [OPNsense]
py311-certifi: 2024.2.2_1 [OPNsense]
py311-cffi: 1.16.0 [OPNsense]
py311-charset-normalizer: 3.3.2_1 [OPNsense]
py311-cryptography: 42.0.7,1 [OPNsense]
py311-dnspython: 2.6.1,1 [OPNsense]
py311-duckdb: 0.10.3 [OPNsense]
py311-h11: 0.14.0 [OPNsense]
py311-h2: 4.1.0 [OPNsense]
py311-hpack: 4.0.0 [OPNsense]
py311-httpcore: 1.0.5 [OPNsense]
py311-httpx: 0.27.0_1 [OPNsense]
py311-hyperframe: 6.0.0 [OPNsense]
py311-idna: 3.7 [OPNsense]
py311-markupsafe: 2.1.5_1 [OPNsense]
py311-netaddr: 1.2.1 [OPNsense]
py311-numexpr: 2.9.0_1 [OPNsense]
py311-numpy: 1.25.0_7,1 [OPNsense]
py311-openssl: 23.2.0,1 [OPNsense]
py311-outcome: 1.3.0_1 [OPNsense]
py311-packaging: 24.0 [OPNsense]
py311-pandas: 2.0.3_2,1 [OPNsense]
py311-pyasn1: 0.6.0 [OPNsense]
py311-pyasn1-modules: 0.4.0 [OPNsense]
py311-pycparser: 2.22 [OPNsense]
py311-pylsqpack: 0.3.18 [OPNsense]
py311-pysocks: 1.7.1_1 [OPNsense]
py311-python-dateutil: 2.9.0 [OPNsense]
py311-pytz: 2024.1,1 [OPNsense]
py311-requests: 2.31.0_1 [OPNsense]
py311-service-identity: 23.1.0 [OPNsense]
py311-setuptools: 63.1.0_1 [OPNsense]
py311-six: 1.16.0 [OPNsense]
py311-sniffio: 1.3.1 [OPNsense]
py311-socksio: 1.0.0_1 [OPNsense]
py311-sortedcontainers: 2.4.0 [OPNsense]
py311-sqlite3: 3.11.9_7 [OPNsense]
py311-trio: 0.25.1 [OPNsense]
py311-tzdata: 2024.1 [OPNsense]
py311-ujson: 5.9.0 [OPNsense]
py311-urllib3: 1.26.18_1,1 [OPNsense]
py311-vici: 5.9.11 [OPNsense]
py311-yaml: 6.0.1 [OPNsense]
python311: 3.11.9 [OPNsense]

Installed packages to be UPGRADED:
dhcrelay: 0.4 -> 0.5 [OPNsense]
easy-rsa: 3.1.7 -> 3.2.0 [OPNsense]
glib: 2.80.0,2 -> 2.80.2,2 [OPNsense]
hyperscan: 5.4.0 -> 5.4.2 [OPNsense]
libcjson: 1.7.17 -> 1.7.18 [OPNsense]
libedit: 3.1.20230828_1,1 -> 3.1.20240517,1 [OPNsense]
libffi: 3.4.4_1 -> 3.4.6 [OPNsense]
libnghttp2: 1.61.0 -> 1.62.1 [OPNsense]
libpfctl: 0.10 -> 0.11 [OPNsense]
libpsl: 0.21.5 -> 0.21.5_1 [OPNsense]
libsodium: 1.0.18 -> 1.0.19 [OPNsense]
libucl: 0.9.1 -> 0.9.2 [OPNsense]
libxml2: 2.11.7 -> 2.11.8 [OPNsense]
lighttpd: 1.4.75 -> 1.4.76 [OPNsense]
ntp: 4.2.8p17_2 -> 4.2.8p18 [OPNsense]
openldap26-client: 2.6.7 -> 2.6.7_1 [OPNsense]
openssl: 3.0.13_3,1 -> 3.0.13_4,1 [OPNsense]
opnsense: 24.1.6 -> 24.1.8 [OPNsense]
opnsense-update: 24.1.5_1 -> 24.1.8 [OPNsense]
php82: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-ctype: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-curl: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-dom: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-filter: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-gettext: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-ldap: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-mbstring: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-pcntl: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-pdo: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-pecl-mcrypt: 1.0.6 -> 1.0.7 [OPNsense]
php82-phalcon: 5.6.2 -> 5.7.0 [OPNsense]
php82-session: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-simplexml: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-sockets: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-xml: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
php82-zlib: 8.2.18 -> 8.2.19 [OPNsense]
strongswan: 5.9.13_1 -> 5.9.14 [OPNsense]
suricata: 7.0.4 -> 7.0.5_1 [OPNsense]
syslog-ng: 4.6.0_2 -> 4.7.1 [OPNsense]
unbound: 1.19.3 -> 1.20.0_1 [OPNsense]

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
boost-libs-1.84.0 [OPNsense] (options changed)
curl-8.7.1 [OPNsense] (options changed)

Number of packages to be installed: 50
Number of packages to be upgraded: 40
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 2

The process will require 511 MiB more space.
124 MiB to be downloaded.
[1/92] Fetching py311-sqlite3-3.11.9_7.pkg: ..... done
pkg-static: py311-sqlite3-3.11.9_7 failed checksum from repository
Starting web GUI...done.
Generating RRD graphs...done.

The Error pkg-static: py311-sqlite3-3.11.9_7 failed checksum from repository means the mentioned file saved on your unit is corrupted.
Can mean you have a Storage Device issue (is the smart plugin enabled? did you check?=
can also be an issue on the network path of the download.

i connect on console or by ssh and look for that file and delete it for downloading it again. dont know by mind if by repeating the update he repeats/overwrites the download.

Found and deleted the file from cache.

No change. Still has the same problem.

No errors in SMART reported.

Any other ideas?

the "drastic" approach

- backup the config and save it in a safe place
- reformat and build from scrath with a "standard installation"
- update with the most basic config to just have internnet connectivity
- import your config
- reinstall needed plugins

maybe faster than headaches understanding whats wrong

have a read of $man opnsense-bootstrap
might be of use BUT have a backup before running #opnsense-bootstrap

Quote from: heaven73 on June 03, 2024, 11:06:02 AM
the "drastic" approach

- backup the config and save it in a safe place
- reformat and build from scrath with a "standard installation"
- update with the most basic config to just have internnet connectivity
- import your config
- reinstall needed plugins

maybe faster than headaches understanding whats wrong

Didn't work. Still the same issue.

Have a completely different PC in place now and it suffers from the same problem.

Getting very confused now.

Quote from: cookiemonster on June 03, 2024, 11:40:08 AM
have a read of $man opnsense-bootstrap
might be of use BUT have a backup before running #opnsense-bootstrap


Worked first go. All up to date.

Thank you!