ACME SFTP Upload help

Started by elyl, August 21, 2024, 06:44:56 PM

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Is there any documentation on how to get this to work?  I can't seem to get the right combination of ssh keys working.

For the examples below, "docker.address" is the name of the destination I'm trying to copy the certificates to.

upload_sftp.php --log --host=docker.address --user=root --identity-type=rsa test-connection
INFO: Logging to stdout enabled
INFO: No host key specified, using existing known_hosts entry for 'docker.address'
INFO: SFTP: root@docker.address: Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).
INFO: SFTP: Connection closed
ERROR: Failed connecting to 'docker.address' (user: 'root') ; Cause: {"permission_denied":true,"error":"root@docker.address: Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive)."}
    "actions": [
    "success": false,
    "permission_denied": true,
    "error": "root@docker.address: Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).",
    "connect_failed": true
ERROR: Command execution failed, exit code 1. Last input was: {"log":false,"host":"docker.address","user":"root","identity-type":"rsa"}

I have copied the contents of  /var/etc/acme-client/sftp-config/ to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and ~/.ssh/known_hosts (I'm not sure which one I should be doing, I've tried neither, either and both) but still get the same error.

I tried ssh-copy-id to copy the id.rsa file to docker.address, which seemed to work, but running the automation script copied the files to ~/ on the opnsense server rather than to docker.address, so I guess I have things seriously mixed up.

The file has the username at the end of it as root@opnsense.internal, I'm tried changing to just root, and also root@docker.address, but to no avail.