After upgrade to 23.7.7_3 - link down/up - and after that NO connection outside

Started by lar.hed, November 04, 2023, 09:56:57 AM

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Quote from: franco on November 06, 2023, 08:14:20 PM
Could it be this one?

# opnsense-patch b0830803


Franco, is there any plan if/when this patch might be integrated into the installer files?
(I just re-installed OPNsense, moved from UFS to ZFS, and got this challenge back again).

Oh and while I am it: After the install from scratch and update all, restore of config file I did NOT apply the patch. The rc.linkup did NOT have the two filter_configure(false, false) rows. Since I did not know why PC stopped working I did the old trick, stop/start interface = up and running again. So I have now re-applied the patch, which added the two lines of filter_configure(false, false). I have not tried if this solves my challenge yet so to speak, I will later today I guess....