[Tutorial] Bridged Modem Access Guide

Started by noam5651, April 12, 2023, 10:53:34 AM

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April 12, 2023, 10:53:34 AM Last Edit: April 12, 2023, 10:56:24 AM by noam5651
Hello everyone,

After a lot of attempts I finally managed to setup my a access to my modem over bridged network, So now Imma gonna show you how to set it up so you'll don't have to figure out by yourself  ;)

First of all we need to understand a few things:

  • We run our modem over one cable to the OPNsense FW WAN port.
  • We split our WAN (May only work with PPPoE, Haven't tested it with other options so share with me if it works)
  • We set it up so we would have the GUI access to our Modem.

Let's start on Modem Side

On our Modem we would need to setup the interface for our needs, for me I had the network set to subnet of 30 and an IP address of like you see in the picture:

also I disabled all of the unwanted stuff from my modem like IGMP and DHCP cause we are not going to use it, make sure that you don't place the same IP both on the FW & the Modem cause it will not work.

Let's start on Firewall side

First of all we need to set up the same NIC as the WAN port that we use for the bridge router as shown in the picture:
As you can see I have under interface assignments two igc0, One of the is for the WAN (PPPoE) & the other for the Modem which I'll explain now how to set.

Now under interfaces we need to enable the new interface and name it however we want, I recommend Modem which will help you follow along, The settings we setup:
Change the IP address to a Host IP, for example if my modem GW is I'll use for it cause our network has only 2 usable IP addresses (Our Network Address is & Our Broadcast Address is which mean we could only use -

Now we need to set NAT for our network to traffic out \ in so we could get that juicy GUI ;D
We would go to "Firewall" -> "NAT" -> "Outbound" and we will add the following:

Now for the last step which would enable the GUI!!!
we would need to go to "Firewall" -> "Rules" -> "Floating" and we will add the following:
Basically if you had copied all of my settings from before you would just need to set it up like this, if you changed some stuff adjust the settings according to your previous steps.

Glad to help and if there is any questions please feel free to ask me out ;)

Thanks, I didn't know we can created another interface from the same port that's used for pppoe connection.
In my case,  I have my LAN bridged already and the modem using the same subnet so I only need to create the interface, add to bridge and create rule allow access to Modem's IP address, protocol: TCP port 80.
I wonder if there's any tips for pppoe connection. I heard ppl create multiple virtual ip for PPPOE connection in on order to cheat their speed connection. :P

I don't know about cheating your network (Sounds too good to be true).
I have a few VIPs using the same technic for routing myself to a secondary network on my LAN & also to my Docker lab which runs inside of a bridge docker VIP.

you can always create a VIP and set a route like this:

Basically, instead of using a physical port you create a VIP and route the network through a physical port using different subnet. DO NOT FORGET TO NAT your self so traffic will flow through.

October 21, 2023, 11:46:29 PM #3 Last Edit: October 23, 2023, 11:08:04 AM by hushcoden
@noam5651 is there a way to access to the modem GUI by using VIPs instead?


Would somebody know how to accomplish the same task by using VIP?
