OPNsense released

Started by franco, April 22, 2015, 02:42:39 PM

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Hi everyone,

another week, another stable release. :) While we are busy working on extensive kernel cleanups to bring OPNsense closer to FreeBSD, we decided to ship a minor update today with a number of third-party software refreshes and assorted fixes across the board before we make the leap to 15.1.10.

We'd like to mention the extensive translation groundwork being done by Isaac Levy, which will enable others to start working on specific language support now that there's an official English translation in the system. A Japanese translation is being discussed already—if you'd like to contribute other language translations let us know through the usual channels. We'd be more than happy to include them into a future release.

Here is the full change log of

o captive portal: fixed rule generation on empty IP
o gui: print current user in upper right corner along with the hostname
o user manager: fixed empty password error when creating a new user
o high availability: don't trigger sync when not configured
o interfaces: added the hn(4) interfaces as ALTQ capable
o configuration: do not overwrite the default configuration on firmware updates
o ipsec: fixed road warrior authentication
o openvpn: fixed client edit link
o ports: sqlite 3.8.9 http://www.sqlite.org/releaselog/3_8_9.html
o ports: strongswan fix for xauth (road warrior-related)
o ports: PHP 5.6.8 http://php.net/ChangeLog-5.php#5.6.8
o ports: pkg(ng) 1.5.1 https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2015-April/082234.html
o development: kickstarted language support via English translation (.pot file)
o development: further progress on the proxy feature/MVC framework
o development: improved the live mount to propagate the mounted version into the dashboard

The update is not available via install media, but you can just as well download 15.1.9 from a mirror and upgrade with a few simple clicks:


Stay safe,
Your OPNsense team