configctl ipsec restart "crashes" ipsec

Started by chucksense, October 18, 2023, 08:07:50 PM

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Hi there,

Every time I restart the ipsec/strongswan service, either from the Dashboard GUI or through CLI, the strongswan service does not start again.
I have tried different commands, and it's only restart that fails (stop + start works OK). Nothing on the ipsec/strongswan logs as the service never starts again.

root@opnsense:~ # configctl ipsec restart
root@opnsense:~ # pluginctl -s strongswan restart
Service `strongswan' has been restarted.

I have tried adding a sleep on the actions file, but still not working (I have restarted the configd service).

command:/usr/local/etc/rc.d/strongswan onestop; /usr/bin/sleep 5; /usr/local/sbin/pluginctl -c ipsec
message:IPsec service restart
description:Restart IPsec service

Any ideas? Happy to run some additional tests/provide logs.