no wireless devices

Started by router, May 22, 2023, 04:32:34 PM

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at the wireless devices page

it says I have no wireless devices but I have 2.

I am running opnsense in virtualbox.

How can I fix this?


We can only guess with this one liner.
Try to go logically. You have two wireless devices -presumably- on your virtualization host.
Your virtual machine in that host can not "see them".
I would first try to confirm the Operating system of the virtual machine can see it. Does it see it or not? If yes, then the next step is to see why it does not appear in the UI. Could it be there is no driver to convert it from a piece of identified hardware to a piece of configurable hardware.
If it does not see it. Have you ensured the hypervisor has passed it from itself to the Virtual machine?
And on you go. Something of a way to go step by step.

Thanks I will try to figure it out.