Subscription revoked after last update? (Maybe PSA)

Started by FullyBorked, May 05, 2023, 05:05:01 PM

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Not sure if this happened to anyone else.  After the last update my subscription was revoked, I was able to reactivate it.  However it reset all the non-premium features back to defaults so any policies using premium features need to be looked through. 

Just a heads up to anyone who installs the latest update, there were no notifications to this until I happened to see the information the banner of the UI on the OPNsense side, if you only use the cloud port this wasn't clear. 

I had to reapply my license as well, but it did not affect my policies.

Quote from: Auriok on May 05, 2023, 05:41:52 PM
I had to reapply my license as well, but it did not affect my policies.

That's good yours didn't get reset.  It reset "Advanced Security" and "Web Controls" for me.


Below is an important notice about an issue with our license manager associated with the recent 1.13 release.

There was an issue with Zenarmor's license checking process in release 1.13, which caused a small number of licenses to be erroneously downgraded to the Free Edition.

You may be one of a small group of customers affected by the issue.

We apologize for the inconvenience for the service disruption you might have experienced.

Please check to see if you have been downgraded to the Free Edition. If so, to correct this issue, simply re-activate your subscription with your activation key. All your policies and policy configuration are intact and will be restored once you reactivate your subscription.

Please use the following instructions:

  • You can enter your key using the "Upgrade to a Subscription" link in the upper right corner of Zenarmor GUI.
  • Or check your subscription status via Zenconsole by visiting the Settings - Subscriptions menu.

If you have experienced this problem and can't locate your license key, or are unable to resolve this issue, please contact One of our colleagues will be happy to assist you get this taken care of quickly.

Once resolved, you can look forward to having all the benefits provided in this new release.

We have taken measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Team Zenarmor

Quote from: beki on May 05, 2023, 06:21:10 PM
All your policies and policy configuration are intact and will be restored once you reactivate your subscription.

Team Zenarmor

I disagree unless I didn't something incorrectly when I reactivated. 

Well, this is really bad.

  • Lost both my activations (HA Pair)
  • Reactivate license does not restore all the settings, only partially
  • Restoring a recent backup (april 14th), breaks the exclusions tab (/usr/local/opnsense/mvc/app/controllers/OPNsense/Sensei/Api/PolicyController.php:1245: Call to a member function execute() on bool
  • Restoring a recent backup (april 14th), removes the new 2 options : Block bad IP, Block Non-Exisiting Domain

Besides this, if such a mistake is made why post only on a forum, would be nice to send a mail to the subscription holders (we do get the invoices by mail), as the security is downgraded. You will see it's downgraded  if you click the Zenarmor tile. But updating via OPNSense, firmware update it doesn't show. Would also be nice if the subscription status would be accessibele via the API (if so, please do share some source code)

Can confirm that I had the same problem. I tried to reapply the key when it happend and that worked. But the config was not restored correctly as it was and had te be reapplied by me. So from the posts above it looks like it maybe affected more customers than a few(?)
Deciso DEC850v2

Looks like it broke my exclusion tables too, I didn't restore a backup either.  I have a ticket open and a remote session planned for tomorrow to try and at least resolve the exclusion issue.