[SOLVED] xmlrpc sync

Started by bbrendon, April 06, 2015, 05:42:24 AM

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April 06, 2015, 05:42:24 AM Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 04:33:08 PM by franco
I'm using version

I saw some bug fixes for this in GIT. Do I need to wait for 15.1.9  for it to work?

Right now I'm getting errors and i've verified the username/password is correct as well as the port being able to connect from one FW to the other.



Yes, the xmlrpc sync is completely rewritten last week and will be in the next release. If you want, you can test the current version by checking it out from git. The next version will be available via regular updates somewhere this week.

Awesome. Are there docs on how to checkout/install it ?

A tutorial can be found here: http://lastsummer.de/development-workflow-in-opnsense/

Please note that this *will* cause issues in production systems when doing a firmware upgrade while live-mounting the repository underneath. A better approach would be to replace the faulty files with the current master branch versions by hand. In order to do that check out core.git into a directory that is not /root/core or move it afterwards. I tend to do mv core core_safe so that it doesn't auto-mount on boot.