I tried to install Sensei according to the install guide.After the wizard, were I chose to protect the lan interface, I can no longer connect to the webinterface of the opnsense box.ssh is no longer connecting either.Web browsing seems to work so far, but it's pretty useless if I cannot log into the management system...Has anyone had this happen?Opnsense is on newest patch level.-Jannis
Hi Jannis,Happy to help. Which ethernet interface are you using for LAN (igb, em, re?) . Are there any VLANs configured for the LAN interface?
I'll doublecheck when I get home, but it's an enterprise intel nic in a Dell PowerEdge 210 II.Xeon cpu, 16GB memory, 240GB SSD.No VLANS's at all, very simple setup, just WAN and LAN ports on the same dual port intel nic.
hi jannis,Hardware side nothing to say.If I understand correctly on the PowerEdge you have installed OPNsense version?, And you have access to it using the Web interface and / or in SSH.This, locally in your company and / or also from your home, before the installation of sensei?I did not understand if the blocking was local or remote?cordially