Postfix <-> rspamd integration

Started by Taym, February 09, 2021, 03:49:01 PM

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Thank you all guys for pointing me in the right direction. I had never even considered to change the Milter IP Version to "IPv6" as I interpreted it as referring to whether I was using or not IPv6 in my network. I completely overlooked at it and misunderstood the meaning of the that setting.

So, all is good now! Rspamd is scanning incoming Mail, and it even looks like score values I set are more ore less OK.

What score values are you guys using? Here are mine:

Reject Score 150
Header Score 6
Subject Score 10
Greylist Score 4

I really do not know how to set them, and I found the above values somewhere in the examples of opnSense documentation. By looking at rspamd webGUI, it looks like they are pretty good, but, I wonder, is there anything I should know about those?

Why do you have the Reject score set to 150? That would mean you're never rejecting any messages, is that what you intended?.


I'll adjust once I understand how scores work. I don't even know what a meaningful range is.

What do you have as reject score?

Reject Score 150
Header Score 9
Subject Score 10
Greylist Score 8

I already adjusted as above. Several legit messages were being graylisted with 7.x score, including notifications from this very forum.

Good thing is that a lot of spam is being detected.

My configuration is as follows:

Reject Score 12
Header Score 9
Subject Score 10
Greylist Score 4

BTW, I should point out that my Rspamd instance is on my local LAN and not the version in OPNsense.



I have just adjusted the reject score down to 35.
Just playing around with this and slowly making it more restrictive. I just want to be sure I minimize the chances of rejecting something I do need.

Looking at the log, it does seems that virtually all above 15 is most definitely spam. But, I've been observing rspamd in action for only few hours.