( modem < WAN ( ⬅︎ echo back to WAN
pass out log quick on igb2 reply-to (igb2 xx.xx.64.1) inet from any to <EPC3825:1> flags S/SA keep state label "443abb385c2b672f5c64730fc153cf92"
pass out log quick on igb2 inet from any to <EPC3825:1> flags S/SA keep state label "f5a961e4aa1ddf8154b2ac3ee1fdefa0"
pass out log quick on igb2 inet proto tcp from any to <EPC3825:1> port = http flags S/SA keep state label "5b8966dad703ecedd33086ba2377aaf7"
Yes, checking "disable reply-to" in advanced options works.
Why is this, and is it expected behavior that I just need to know?