When connections are cleared in the UPnP service, it then no longer responds to any new requests either for new connections or even a status. To clear the condition I am forced each time to disable UPnP and then re-enable it - even a restart of the service fails.
The location of the miniupnpd conf file is located at:/var/etc/miniupnpd.confThe file is autogenerated from the miniupnpd.inc file located at:/usr/local/etc/inc/plugins.inc.d/miniupnpd.incWhile working with miniupnpd I discovered that after clearing the "all currently connected sessions" the status page would be cleared but miniupnpd was actually still responsive. For instance after restarting my Xbox, 2 entries would show up on the status page. Otherwise nothing would show. What's happening is that a device on a network that uses UPNP needs to make a port request and miniupnpd will add a port mapping for the UPNP device. If my Xbox already made the reqeuest I don't make another one until I've rebooted it. It make make another request if I play a different game. I haven't tested this. I've tested this with pfsense as well. Same results.