BGPv4 died after upgrade to 20.7

Started by npiersma, August 26, 2020, 01:41:51 PM

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August 26, 2020, 01:41:51 PM Last Edit: August 26, 2020, 01:43:30 PM by npiersma
BGP Table is fucked up

* >   0      32768   i
1 0 .   60.0.0/17 0.0   .0.0   0   32   768 i   
1 0 .   60.4.128/25 0.0   .0.0   0   32   768 i   
* >   0      32768   i
* >   0      32768   i
* >   0      32768   i

As you can see it is "shifted" a bit. (second and third line)...

Seems to be a parsing error of the configuration. the other side is not receiving any route updates as well (logical in this situation..)

Please advise.


Will schedule update during the next maintenance window.

Hope it will be solved.
