Widgets on Dashboard

Started by KrakenT3ch, December 05, 2015, 03:06:17 AM

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After upgrading to 15.7.21, Widgets on the dashboard doesn't seem to get saved. It disappears after hitting save. Anyone else experiencing this issue?

I haven't seen that, is it a problem with any particular widget so I can try?


Any widget i add...it says loading for a long time...and if i save the widget goes missing.

Quote from: KrakenT3ch on December 05, 2015, 02:33:32 PM
Any widget i add...it says loading for a long time...and if i save the widget goes missing.
I see, I've tried a lot of the widgets and there is no such problem for me. I don't know if it's intentional that it initially shows the "loading" message but mine does the same but I can hit save it then it pops-up in the dashboard or I can hit save almost immediately and it still pops-up.

I can't really help with debugging this problem as I'm not a coder but perhaps it's a problem of resources, is your firewall particularly busy or maybe a lack of RAM?


I think i figured out what the issue was. Logged in as root user and everything works fine. But another user who is of admin usergroup doesnt have rights to create widgets....strange. Will keep checking.

December 05, 2015, 05:36:01 PM #5 Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 08:07:26 PM by phoenix
Quote from: KrakenT3ch on December 05, 2015, 04:32:34 PM
I think i figured out what the issue was. Logged in as root user and everything works fine. But another user who is of admin usergroup doesnt have rights to create widgets....strange. Will keep checking.
I would have though that an error message would be shown if they didn't have the rights to add a widget. I don't know if that behaviour is intentional or if it's a bug, one of the team will be able to give you an answer on that. 


With a newly added non-admin user and dashboard access rights I could modify the dashboard configuration.

Is there some other privilege you've added? The "User - Config - Deny Config Write" "privilege prevents config writes, with this I could reproduce your behaviour, but this is intentional minus the lack of feedback from the GUI. I will think about how this could be achieved without throwing too many errors or changing too much code.

Note that the dashboard config only has a single profile so whoever edits it changes it for everyone.