Installation failed... (HP T610 ThinClient)

Started by Lebedev, July 10, 2020, 05:02:00 PM

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July 10, 2020, 05:02:00 PM Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 07:09:16 PM by Lebedev
Hi Guys,

i want to install OPNSense 20.1, but the installation is interrupted and does not continue.
The Hardware is an HP T610 ThinClient with an AMD G-T56N processor (x86-64).
I also tried OPNSense 19.7 and 18.7.

Anybody knows how to fix this?

Best regards,
Simon Brandt

I am running on a T610 Plus and quad NIC, I installed 19.7 around Spring 2019.

I did have some difficulties installing initially that seemed to relate to using large USB sticks though I cannot be sure that was the issue. I finally managed with an older 8GB stick.

The install did take some considerable time so be very patient.



I have also attached a quad NIC, but my HP T610 is the non-plus variant. But that doesn't matter, the Hardware is the same, it's just another chassis.

What do you mean by large USB stick? Do you mean the stick from which you run the installer, or the installation target?

Are you running the Thin Client in BIOS/CSM or UEFI Mode?


The USB stick for installation.

I have a recollection that I first installed to USB stick as a first step then installed to the T610 from that. The installation to USB involves expanding the filesystem to the extent of the stick IIRC and I believe I read of problems with expanding to large sizes. 8GB was the smallest suitable I had here, 16 and 32 failed or I gave up waiting, not sure which.

I have looked back at my notes and my original install was of 18.7 nano to an 8GB USB stick then to the T610.  Looks like I tried to install the plain 18.7 and possibly 19.1 before trying the nano version. Since then all upgrades have been through the web interface - but again they can often take some considerable time, 90 minutes plus

I suspect I avoided EFI as I usually do, but cannot be sure. I do have a dmesg from the early days but doesn't seem to tell me.



Found the solution. Choose one of this to solve the issue:

use 32bit OPNSense instead of 64bit OPNSense (4GB Ram maximum)
install and run OPNSense in Safe-Mode (SMP disabled, one CPU Core only)
disable UEFI boot (choose legacy boot instead, also known as "CSM")

I wasn't the first one to discover this issue. More informations here:

Best Regards,