WebGUI stops working

Started by dedi, June 07, 2020, 10:08:34 PM

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hey there!

For some time now I have the problem that WebGUI stops working at random. While network and ssh still continue to work, I can't access the webserver anymore. This happened the last few releases and still does with the newest one. It happens 1-2 times per month. And it may, but I'm not sure, end up with network and ssh also not working when I continue 1day+ without reboot.

My system log is full of the following:

kernel: sonewconn: pcb 0xfffff8009ab6aae0: Listen queue overflow: 193 already in queue awaiting acceptance (35 occurrences).

A reboot fixes it for a while again. I tried with googling but didn't find any help.

OPNsense 20.1.7-amd64 on a PCEngines Apu2

Installed plugins:

Same problem here, but with SSH not accessible too... Any clues?
Cloudfence Open Source Team

Same problem but it worked from another computer... and started working again on same computer for no apparent reason. No reboot, no configuration changes.

Still happening with me, at ~24 days uptime. This time I can't even read any of the logs or my SSH session freezes up. @dedi did you find a solution?

Not sure if it helps at all, but you might want to run system health check (same place where you check updates, small box which says "audit now" and has 2 options, health and security)
Now it most likely won't fix anything, but it could help finding what is causing that.

Quote from: terraping on September 19, 2020, 07:27:42 PM
Still happening with me, at ~24 days uptime. This time I can't even read any of the logs or my SSH session freezes up. @dedi did you find a solution?

Problem still remains and happens about once per month. On the last occurence I updated to 20.7 and still have to see if it also remains with the most recent version.

Did a health check with no results.