a Terraform module for OPNsense on Digital Ocean

Started by ndejong, June 30, 2018, 06:41:17 PM

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June 30, 2018, 06:41:17 PM Last Edit: August 06, 2018, 03:30:28 PM by ndejong

Anyone wanting to get OPNsense running on Digital Ocean will find this Terraform module helpful:-
- https://github.com/verbnetworks/terraform-digitalocean-opnsense-image
- https://registry.terraform.io/modules/verbnetworks/opnsense-image/digitalocean

The module is designed to create a Digital Ocean Droplet snapshot-image that can subsequently be used to start an OPNsense instance within Digital Ocean.

Of particular note is the support for the Digital Ocean (OpenStack based) approach to providing Droplets their seed data, including public-IPv4, public-IPv6, private-IPv4, root-sshkey and user-data which is all be parsed and injected into the OPNsense /conf/config.xml file at boot time. This allows the resulting OPNsense image to be used in Terraform devops automation situations.

By adding appropriate User Data to a Droplet when establishing it becomes possible to fetch an external confg.xml which will be loaded at startup thus making devops automated OPNsense in Digital Ocean possible.

Love to hear feedback, suggestions and the like.

... currently working on AWS and Azure implementations next with a view to making automated multi-cloud private network infrastructure possible.