Dynamic DNS and DuckDNS configuration error

Started by talopensense, December 30, 2018, 10:10:38 PM

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Hi All,

I am a bit confused while trying to configure the Dynamic DNS for DuckDNS.

Following the 'full help' I put my DuckDNS token as username and leave the password field as blank but I keep getting an error message stating the password field is required.

Any idea what's wrong?

I tried putting something bogus in the password field but I have no idea where to look for the log when the dynamic dns service retries and either fails or succeed. The cached IP keeps showing N/A

Any help/guidance would be appreciated.

OPNsense version: 18.7.9


Curiously, it would have been nice if you had included the entire form in your image, did you select the correct service type?


Sorry - I skipped over the service type as 3322 is first listed...

Thanks for pointing out the obvious and sorry for the noise