15.7 Legacy Series / [SOLVED] Several log files become binary and have file size 511488
« on: September 02, 2015, 06:21:21 pm »
First of all, thank you for the OPNsense effort. After my router died, I reviewed a number of software router/firewalls and landed with OPNsense.
We are a few days up and running now, and today I tried to configure an IPSec VPN to an Amazon VPC. The IPSec daemon doesn't seem to start:
OPNsense opnsense: /diag_ipsec.php: The command '/usr/local/sbin/ipsec up con1' returned exit code '7', the output was ''
So I tried the IPSec log files. No respons in the web UI, so I tried a good old console. In /var/log, I have several log files of file size 511488 bytes. Checking the file type and trying out less, it returns garbage.
I suspect there is disk corruption. However, it's my first time on a (Free)BSD system, so I don't find my way around the tooling.
* OPNsense 15.7.11
* 64bit VM on VMware ESXi 6.0
* 40 GB virtual disk (thin provisioned) on an iSCSI datastore from my Synology NAS (only 3% used after install)
First of all, thank you for the OPNsense effort. After my router died, I reviewed a number of software router/firewalls and landed with OPNsense.
We are a few days up and running now, and today I tried to configure an IPSec VPN to an Amazon VPC. The IPSec daemon doesn't seem to start:
OPNsense opnsense: /diag_ipsec.php: The command '/usr/local/sbin/ipsec up con1' returned exit code '7', the output was ''
So I tried the IPSec log files. No respons in the web UI, so I tried a good old console. In /var/log, I have several log files of file size 511488 bytes. Checking the file type and trying out less, it returns garbage.
I suspect there is disk corruption. However, it's my first time on a (Free)BSD system, so I don't find my way around the tooling.
* OPNsense 15.7.11
* 64bit VM on VMware ESXi 6.0
* 40 GB virtual disk (thin provisioned) on an iSCSI datastore from my Synology NAS (only 3% used after install)