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Messages - Winpeg

I only have a single WAN connection in use, so that makes sense. In that case, it seems like gateway monitoring might not add much value for me.

Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it!
That might be possible. But why does IPv6 work without any issues then? Is using for pinging a good alternative, so I can at least monitor something?

I followed a tutorial and everything was working fine until I enabled Gateway Monitoring as instructed (from 18:30 in this video:Link). After that, IPv6 shows as online, but IPv4 shows as offline.

As a temporary fix, I changed the IPv4 monitoring IP to, and now IPv4 shows as online. However, I don't believe this actually solved the underlying issue.

It would be nice to have Gateway Monitoring working properly, so I'd prefer to keep that feature enabled if possible. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a better solution to get this feature working correctly?
