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Messages - Dysonco

Hi All,

I have a fairly simple opensense router setup in my home office on a Protecli vault FW4C device thats works beutifully, or at least did until yesterday evening. I did the most recent firmware updates (sorry can't remember exactly what they were but only remember it being two or three items) but ever since have had issues with DNS and DHCP, the whole opensense interface is also very laggy and slow, dashboard items don't load half the time, its also crashed too.

I'm relatively new to Opensense and not exactly a network guru either, so not sure where to start to fix this. I have shared the bug details for the crash through the Opensense reporting.

The main issue we've had is losing internet on the wifi (Ubiquiti APs managed by unifi). Devices are connected, DNS settings via DHCP just doesn't seem to be shared, If I set manual DNS on my phone for instance then its working, but via DHCP its not. Restarting the Vault helps but still flakey and laggy. Neither the System info or CPU info panels have loaded in dashboard for instance.

Any suggestions as to what going on or even how I roll the software version back would be appreciated.
