Thanks for the detailed description and tutorial.
If I understnd correctly, your ISP is delegating /56 to you, and then each of your VLANs is getting /64 assigned. Is that right?
Could you share how is your /var/etc/dhcp6c.conf look like? Either my OPNsense is destroyed after my experiments or something didn't work for me, because with PPPoE for IPv4 and DHCPv6 for IPv6 the dhcp6c is not starting, nor the config is generated. Once I created it manually i could get (almost) everything, but it required lot of manual configuration. So I wonder what is the OPNsense script generating after you configured it and have it working.
If I understnd correctly, your ISP is delegating /56 to you, and then each of your VLANs is getting /64 assigned. Is that right?
Could you share how is your /var/etc/dhcp6c.conf look like? Either my OPNsense is destroyed after my experiments or something didn't work for me, because with PPPoE for IPv4 and DHCPv6 for IPv6 the dhcp6c is not starting, nor the config is generated. Once I created it manually i could get (almost) everything, but it required lot of manual configuration. So I wonder what is the OPNsense script generating after you configured it and have it working.