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Messages - calibrae

Monitoring this thread, but I tried a few things.
My remote is a fedora VPS with 2 cores.
I have an Alpine VM on my network and of course OpnSense.

When iperf'ing from opensense through a wg tunnel to the VPS, I get between 200mbds to 350.
When iperf'ing through another tunnel, directly from the Alpine VM to the VPS, I get results between 750 and 1.2Gbds.
When iperf'ing through a GRE tunnel between OPNSense and the VPS, I get > 1.2Gbds.

CPU usage is never above 30/40% whatever the case. So yeah, there's an issue with OPNSense. Never had any issue with PF, but will never ever go back.

I'm running opn in a qemu VM. Didn't fiddle yet with microcode or QAT virtual function. I'll try and report