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Messages - pmsrodrigues

After more testing: The VLANs operational status survives reboots. So, whatever VLAN is not working it will still not be working after a reboot. Looked at the configuration file at /conf for a smoking gun, and the interfaces all look alike. 🤨 Can it be driver related?
Hello all! I have this weird issue with VLANs on a pair of DEC3852 in HA mode running OPNsense 24.10 Business Edition. These are only a few months. The scenarios:

I create a new VLAN and configure it, but it doesn't seem to work. Other devices on the VLAN just created can't reach the firewall, and only the firewall. As soon as I create another VLAN, this one starts working. Of course the new one doesn't.

I create a new VLAN and configure it, but it doesn't seem to work. I delete one of the older VLANs, and this one starts working. But then another that was working now stops talking.

I can see all VLANs are configured using ifconfig. And I see nothing interesting in dmesg.

I am really puzzled. I come from running pfSense in Netgate hardware for 10 years, and never seen this. Have a pfsense CE firewall connected to the same switches and it just works.

Any ideas? Thanks!