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Messages - mikey4u


You solved my problem. correct my network mask was wrong.
changing it to fixed my problem. Understanding all this is a huge learning curve.
I cant thank you enough. Thank you for taking the time to help me. working on this for 10 hours.
Again thank you you made my day. Have a great day
here are some of my setting. not sure it helps.going to reread the referred post.
so confused right now and yes same subnet
Thank you so much for the reply,
i am really new to opnsence. The problem is new as everything was working fine before.
I have Home Assistant mqtt mosquito. connecting to multiple iot devices on same lan.
stopped working after a update. not sure how to proceed.
please let me know what specifically I can provide. googling your response now.
Can't figure out how to solve my problem. OPNsense blocking traffic from my iot devices to mqtt broker. rules dont change thing. I am at a loss??