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Messages - Panther5314

Quote from: franco on August 01, 2024, 08:00:35 AM
Some devices don't boot unless HDMI is connected
but it definitely does boot without hdmi connected

Quote from: dinguz on August 01, 2024, 08:18:23 AM
has the annoying habit of disabling the HDMI output if no screen is connected at boot
exactly why im trying to get the serial console working properly.

seems crazy that it only shows the login prompt via serial when the VGA is connected.

edit: i might just grab one of those hdmi dummy connectors from amazon for $9
Hi guys,

bit of a strange one.. bought one of those little topton n100 router PCs which has a console port on it. While i still had a screen attached via HDMI, configured serial redirection so i could see the BIOS boot process: all good. Can see opnsense booting up: all good. At the end of the boot process, can see the opnsense login prompt: all good!

disconnect the hdmi cable and keyboard, reboot and while i can see the bios and most of the boot process - it doesn't leave me with the login prompt. The last thing it shows is something to do with the intel core temp module.

The host is booted, can connect via the network but can't do anything via serial.

  • Doesn't matter what i set the administration settings to. ie Primary: serial, Secondary: none. Primary: serial, Secondary, VGA... vice verca - nothing helps
  • With the screen disconnected, the opnsense boot screen shows "Serial Console" as expected. I've also tried changing that to Primary: serial, Secondary: vga. Vice verca etc. Doesn't make a difference.
  • When triggering a shutdown, i see the shutdown process via serial though.

However, plugging in the HDMI cable and booting again shows the login screen as expected via serial but on the hdmi monitor, i see what i had been seeing via serial when the monitor was not attached.

Any chance there's something simple I'm missing here? Feel like im going in circles.

Figured i'd come back with my tail between my legs and admit that i'm an idiot.

I left my old instance of opnsense running (with all dhcp scopes disabled, different IPs etc) so i could compare my new setup to the old.

Totally slipped my mind to disable the mdns repeater on the old instance - im assuming what lead to an infinite loop of mdns repeating

disabled the mdns repeater on the old setup, no issues!
Hi all,

Decided to give 24.7 a go, started from scratch, moved over to the new kea dhcp, setup firewall rules etc. All seems to be working fine until I installed and activated the mdns-repeater plugin.

I have a vlan for mobile devices and one for IoT devices. In my previous config, i had mdns-repeater enabled for both these interfaces which worked perfectly. However, when enabling it on the same two interfaces in 24.7, i get packet loss and can't connect to the web interface.

Unplugging the cable from the IOT interface allows me to get back into the webui to disable the plugin.

Any tips on where to look for root cause?