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Messages - Cosigner4516

Quote from: yeraycito on January 28, 2022, 07:26:33 PM
Thank you very much, I have tried it and it works.

Opnsense 22.1 Clean Install - Installation:

It is very important to follow the order explained

1 - Activate mimugmail's community repository

2 - Install AdGuardHome from System --> Firmware --> Plugins

3 - Activate and start AdGuardHome from Services --> AdGuardHome

4 - Opnsense - System - Settings -General

      Untick: Do not use the local DNS service as a nameserver for this system
      Untick: Allow DNS server list to be overridden by DHCP/PPP on WAN

5 - Opnsense - Services - Unbound - Dns Over Tls

      Set the desired dns servers, ej, Cloudflare:
      Server IP:
      Server Port: 853
      Verify CN:

6 - Opnsense - Services - Unbound - General
     Listen Port: 5353

7 - Navigate to http://your.opnsense:3000/ ( ) to complete the setup Adguard

8 - Adguard Home - DNS Configuration - Upstream Servers: Add router_ip:5353  ( ) Delete those that exist

Security Extra:

I wanted to add this here, as I spent hours trying to figure out what I was missing.

I would follow the above steps and get everything working for maybe a few minutes, but eventually none of my devices would have internet access. Both AdGuard Home and Unbound showed that they were receiving DNS traffic, but clearly something was wrong.

The problem was that I had previously configured DNS overrides in Unbound. Disabling/deleting my previously configured Unbound DNS overrides solved my issue. I then created those same overrides in AdGuard under Filters -> DNS rewrites.