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Messages - pexelva

Sorry for the long delay in updating.  There is not much of an update at all.  I had to put this on the back burner for other things and I am now finally getting back to this.  I have not setup the Forwarder or anything else and still looking for guidance on getting this set up. 
23.7 Legacy Series / Setting up splunk app integration
November 02, 2023, 08:41:48 PM
I am a recent convert from pfsense to OPNsense.  I have set up my FW with the majority of options and setting that I had in pfsense and everything works either better or the same so I am pretty happy with the change over. 

One thing that I am struggling with is getting information into the splunk apps.  With pfsense I found several good videos that walked me through the process which worked fine.  I am not a splunk expert at all so I am struggling with following the instruction that are out there from the app developer.  Just wondering if anyone here has done this and advice on setting up the FW side and splunk side.  Thank you in advance for any help.