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Messages - eduardodextil

Remote logging might not be an option in this scenario.

Do you have an idea of what might be preventing this download from working ? Is there an hard coded limit set for firewall download apart from those parameters on the php.ini file ?, Are some design constraint or parameter that can be adjusted ?

After removing some of the firewall log files via STFP,  and increasing the limit of the php.ini file the largest size of firewall log files I was able to download was around 600MB.

I also experienced a behavior where the log files are displayed on the web interface instead of a exported log file. This occurrence happened once and I have not been able to reproduce it since.
I am currently running on OPNsense 22.7.11. My OPNsense box is connected to a high traffic network and generates log files worth 300MB daily. I am trying to retrieve this log files and the end of the month.

When I attempt to download the log files, it downloads an empty blank file.

I have tried editing the php.ini file in the /usr/local/opnsense/service/templates/OPNsense/WebGui directory increasing the memory limit, upload max_size, post_max_size and changing the execution time as indefinite but I have had no luck so far.

Any Ideas on what parameters I could tune to successfully download large files from OPNsense. ?

I have 16GB memory
115GB disk space.

Thank you.