23.1 Legacy Series / Re: Multiple public IPs from WAN Interface. Bridge with other interface?
« on: April 28, 2023, 04:05:07 pm »
Thank you very much for the responses. I think osmom is onto something, but allow me to clarify a little.
When I used to use a Sonicwall, the feature was called Port Shield. So a port would Port Shield with the WAN, allowing any device to set any public IP in the range. So we never needed to actual specify specific IPs in the range for devices to be able to use. Is there something comparable or do I need to setup these Virtual IPs in advanced?
When I used to use a Sonicwall, the feature was called Port Shield. So a port would Port Shield with the WAN, allowing any device to set any public IP in the range. So we never needed to actual specify specific IPs in the range for devices to be able to use. Is there something comparable or do I need to setup these Virtual IPs in advanced?